Automatic Feeders
SimpleFeeder supplies automatic horse feeders suitable for horse feed such as nuts, grain, cubes, pellets & dry feed as well as concentrated moist feeds & mixes.
There are a number of automatic horse feeders in our range that allow for feeds ranging from dry feed to feed with a high moisture content. Various capacity feeders & alternative setup options are also available to suit our different customers’ needs.
Timed Feeds
The standard stand-alone horse feeder range allows up to 8 feeding times per 24 hours, in precise, pre-determined amounts using an automated timer mechanism, while the centrally controlled feeder for the larger yards allow up to 16 feeds per 24 hours.
SimpleFeeder’s timer enables accurate monitoring of the individual horse’s appetite and feeding pattern, as well as enabling owners to vary feeding times and amounts.
The Design
The feeder shell is extremely durable, impact resistant & weather resistant thus allowing it to be used in both internal & external stables. It is easily and securely fitted to the outside of the stable, either through the cavity wall or on the stable bars.
The automatic animal feeder will need approximately 70 cm x 50 cm of wall space while the standard unit only protrudes 15 cm/30 cm from the wall. Load capacity varies from 15KG (34lb) to 48KG (106lb) throughout our product range.